How to conduct a health check on your P2P Fundraising setup

Jesper Juul Jensen
Min to read

As a fundraiser in a charity, it's vital to ensure your peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising setup is healthy and effective. This means conducting a regular health check on your P2P fundraising setup to identify areas that need improvement and maximise your fundraising potential.

In this blog post, we provide you with a range of questions to help you do a health check for your P2P fundraising setup.

Short on time? We've marked those questions that have the biggest impact compared to time spent. If you only have time for a quick health check, focus on these.

Step 1: Set or re-evaluate goals for P2P fundraising

The first step in conducting a health check is to set or re-evaluate your goals for P2P fundraising. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). By setting SMART goals, you can measure your progress and determine if your P2P fundraising efforts are successful. When setting your goals, consider the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of P2P fundraising as a channel in your organisation?
  • How much money do you want to raise? How many leads do you want to acquire?
  • Who is your target audience, and how large is it?
  • What actions do you want your supporters to take?

Once you've set your goals, track your progress regularly to ensure you're on track to meet your objectives. Read more on setting P2P fundraising goals and KPI's.

Step 2: Evaluate communications

The next step is to evaluate how you communicate with your supporters about P2P fundraising. Good communication is critical to engaging and motivating supporters to participate in P2P fundraising campaigns. Consider the following questions:

  • How do you communicate P2P fundraising opportunities to your supporters?
  • Is your message clear and concise?
  • Is it easy to find the option to create a fundraiser on your homepage?
  • Are you using the proper channels to communicate with your supporters?
  • Do you use social proof to convince potential fundraisers?
  • Are you sharing success stories about P2P fundraising on social media platforms?

By answering these questions, you can identify areas that need improvement in your communication strategy. Read a guide to communicating P2P fundraising clearly on you homepage here.

Step 3: Gap evaluation

In this step, evaluate the gaps between your goals and how you communicate P2P fundraising opportunities to your supporters. Identify areas where you can improve your communication strategy to align with your goals. Consider the following questions:

  • Are you communicating your fundraising goals clearly to your supporters?
  • Are you engaging with your supporters regularly enough to reach your goals?
  • Do you need to start work on a new campaign to meet your goals?
  • Do you need to send regularly targeted email newsletters to segments of your supporters about P2P fundraising?
  • Are you using the proper channels to communicate with your supporters?
  • Are you giving your supporters the right tools to support your fundraising campaign?

By answering these questions, you can identify areas where you can improve your communication strategy to align with your goals.

Step 4: Evaluate the data

Data can provide valuable insights into your P2P fundraising campaigns. In this step, evaluate the data you have collected to identify untapped opportunities. Consider the following questions:

  • How much money have you raised so far?
  • What does your top fundraisers list look like? Can you find more of these?
  • What type of P2P fundraising has resonated best with your audience so far?
  • What are the trends in P2P fundraising that you can leverage?

By answering these questions, you can identify untapped opportunities that can help you increase your fundraising potential.

Step 5: Internal Communication

In this final step, evaluate whether all relevant stakeholders are aware of P2P fundraising opportunities. Internal communication is crucial to ensure that everyone in the organisation is aligned with the fundraising efforts. Consider the following questions:

  • Are all relevant stakeholders aware of P2P fundraising as an opportunity?
  • Have your colleagues received training to handle P2P fundraising queries?
  • Are corporate, partnership, and private sector teams aware of all possibilities?
  • What happens if a donor contacts donor support? Do they know when to recommend P2P fundraising?

By answering these questions, you can ensure that everyone in the organisation is aware of P2P fundraising and aligned with your fundraising goals. Read more on how to anchor P2P fundraising internally.


Conducting a health check on your P2P fundraising setup is vital to maximise your fundraising potential. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can identify areas that need improvement and take action to ensure that your P2P fundraising campaigns are successful. Remember to regularly evaluate your P2P fundraising setup to stay ahead of the curve.

If you already are BetterNow customer, then reach out to us to book a free workshop where we can help you do this health check.

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